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Datum Laptop Locker

Your Price: $139.00
Ships in 3 business days
Part Number:LTL-x

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Securely Store your laptop at home, office, dorm room.
Mount Datum's LapTop Locker in your office or classroom to protect your expensive laptop and irreplaceable data. This all-steel laptop cabinet stores standard-sized laptops and mounts under your desktop, in cabinets or on the wall. Reverse hinging, an anti-pry strip and a lock on the side keep your valuable notebook computer secure. Protective foam on the inside prevents jarring and scratching. Mounting hardware and two keys included.

2 Sizes Available:
STD: 16"Wx13.75"Dx3.5"H
LRG: 18"Wx14.5"Dx3.5"H

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